The Moveable Feast Food Blog

The Moveable Feast is a Personal Chef Service that serves the Hampton Roads area of Southern Virginia. This blog is an extension of my web site and will go into more details about food and any food service industries. Any pictures and or recipes that are published here are all the property of The Moveable Feast unless otherwise noted.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Summer's Last Bounty
This is the 5th time I have tried to post this and hopefully this time will do the trick! I am not sure it's Blogger but maybe my virus protection program. We shall see after I try to publish this!

I was so excited a few weeks ago when I went out into the back yard with my colander to harvest what I thought was probably our last vegetable bounty. I was right. I was armed with my snippers and spotted a pretty nice sized vine ripe tomato. I had to struggle to reach it over another large tomato plant. When I finally snipped it, I was so pleased...until I turned it around. This is what I found...

Mr. and Mrs. Squirrel had brought their growing family over the Brown Garden Fresh Buffet to dine and they ate well. Half of all my tomaotes this year, well...looked like that picture above. I am so happy the enjoyed my tomatoes. Alas, they are not the only satisfied customers at the Brown Garden Fresh Buffet. Mrs. Rabbit and her brood had a lovely time cutting their new baby rabbit teeth on my summer squash. They tasted each one leaving perfect teeth marks in the middle of everyone of them.

I wanted to have a lovely picture of all the things that I gathered in one day. This picture is a big fat lie. I turned half the tomatoes around that looked like the one above so they looked nice in the picture.

I recently got a seed catalog and am plotting how I can set up the buffet for next year. I was hoping to do a winter garden but am re-thinking that.

I will get back to semi-regular blogging soon. I have had company for the last two weeks and my youngest son has moved back home. So it's been a zoo to say the least. I am looking forward to the changing weather. I love the hearty fall and winter foods and will baking my buns off this year. I have a little more confidence this year and armed with yeast and dangerous!


At 5:03 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

Well, half-eaten by varmints (sp?) or no, they're still gorgeous! You and I have bad garden ju-ju! I hope you were enjoying the company and that blogger starts behaving for you...grrr....

At 7:37 PM, Blogger vlb5757 said...

Is that what you call it Juju? Well I guess I have plenty of that; just not to many tomatoes! I am thankful they don't like my eggplant, butternut squash and okra. They will be in the gardening line up next year for sure. Did I tell you they ate all our corn too? So guess what we are not growning next year!!!

At 10:12 PM, Blogger Ed Tep said...

Vickie - I think you need to recruit the doxie posse to help guard your precious plants!

At 6:32 AM, Blogger vlb5757 said...

Ed, we put up a little fence around the garden to keep the dogs from tromping all over the plants. So, we ended up with half of what we had thought we would have. Can't win for losing! How's Rocco. I see you have his picture on the site with Zoe. They will be the best of friends!

At 12:41 PM, Blogger s'kat said...

Missed your wonderful post, vicks! It's been a rank year for tomatoes and veggies on my little plot of land as well, boo, hiss.

Hope things simmer down soon!

At 1:20 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

That's why I had to give up the entire garden after last year's deer! Damn healthy, organic animals!!

Speaking of okra, I bought some at the market last weekend. Want to do our grandma's recipe cook-off sometime soon? I asked for the recipe again, so I have it; I'll try to remember to bring it in to email it to you.

At 10:48 PM, Blogger Tina T-P said...

Hey Ms. V - Glad to see you're back - sorry about your garden - that was one nice looking tomato, too. We had green beans and Italian purple pole beans (that turned green when you cooked 'em) til they were coming out our ears! The racoons or something got half the corn, but the Amish pie pumpkins are growing nicely (who cares if I still have 20# left in the freezer from last year?) AND we have sweet potatoes! John has never grown them before and kind of tried them as a lark. I think they are ready to harvest - I'll put pics on my blog when we do :-) T.

At 7:08 AM, Blogger vlb5757 said...

Shelley-I have been buzzing by your blog but haven't had time to leave any comments. I love the new baby kitty! I would love another kitty but with two already and the 4 weiners, hub would have a stroke!

I hope that you faired well when Ernesto blew through. We had some downed branches but that was about it.

I will not be defeated by the animals so next year we will start again! Hope Springs Eternal!

Tina-I have been going by your blog too but not leaving comments. I loved the before and after picture of the garden at full swing and then the wind down. I have garden envy!

At 7:47 AM, Blogger vlb5757 said...

Tina-I am totally confused. I was thinking to tell you that I love the sheep pictures, not garden pictures (that's another blog I go and visit just to envy her garden). I had hubby sit here one day and look at the pictures of the ram with his toy ball. Hub thought that was funny that you have is suspended for him to butt it. I thought it was a cleaver idea!

At 9:39 AM, Blogger Lisa Fain (Homesick Texan) said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. What an informative site you have. And I envy your garden!


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