Mexican Monkey Cake will make you Ape about Cake!
I love going to Farmgirl Fare and checking out the daily pictures of her farm in Missouri, but she does post recipes when not tending to the flock and baking bread. I found the recipe on her blog and it looked so good that I had to try it. It has basic ingredients that most of us who cook have at home and wasn't rocket science to make. I was really happy it made a little 8X8 pyrex dish. I was especially pleased with the fact it required no icing.

Farmgirl's Mexican Monkey Cake
Makes One 8-Inch Square Cake
1-1/2 cups semisweet chocolate chips
2/3 cup (packed) golden brown sugar
2/3 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 cup (1 stick/4 ounces) butter, softened (or 1/2 cup trans-fat free margarine, such as Earth Balance)
3/4 cup granulated sugar1 large egg
1-1/4 cups mashed, very ripe bananas (they cannot be too ripe)
2 Tablespoons yogurt or sour cream
1 Tablespoon milk
1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
Heat oven to 350 degrees (325 if using a glass pan such as Pyrex). Grease an 8"x8"x2" baking pan. In a small bowl, combine chocolate chips, brown sugar, walnuts (if desired), and cinnamon; set aside.In a large bowl, beat butter, sugar, and egg with an electric mixer until fluffy (I use a hand held mixer). Add bananas, yogurt, and milk, and mix well. On low speed, beat in flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt just until blended.Spread slightly more than half of the batter in the pan. Sprinkle with half of the cinnamon streusel. Carefully spread the remaining batter over the streusel and then top with the rest of the streusel. Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean, about 40 to 50 minutes. Cool in pan on a wire rack. Serve warm or at room temperature.This cake tastes even better the next day, and it freezes beautifully. You can freeze the cake whole or cut it into pieces, wrap them tightly in plastic, and place them in a zipper freezer bag. Defrost at room temperature--or in the microwave.
Yum, yum, yum! I think yours looks even better than mine. (And I know your dish is prettier than mine--I love it.) Thanks so much for all your kind words. I'm thrilled that the cake came out so well for you. Can't wait to hear the feedback from the lucky spinners tonight. : )
P.S. Hmmmm. I will have to ask around about raw wool prices. Of course high quality, very fine wool for spinning, etc. (from Merino or Rambouillet or other 'wool' breeds) is worth more than coarse wool like we get off our 'meat' sheep, but $4.95 a pound for uncleaned wool sounds pricey. Let's put it this way, the government has a wool loan deficiency program because the price is so low, and their payment was based on a going rate of 25 cents a pound for wool and $2.91 a pound for mohair. Please don't think I'm trying to talk you out of anything or telling you what to do. I'm just hoping maybe you can find some for less--or be able to have a little ammo when you ask why the heck they want so much for the wool. : )
A guy who sheared my sheep once told me that his wife puts unwashed wool in the washing machine, but not with the agitator going--just let it soak in there and move it around with your hands I guess. I'm sure you'll get much better info than that from the spinners, but I thought I'd pass it along. Have fun tonight! : )
P.P.S. Yikes, what a long comment I've got going here. Just wanted to let you know that (sadly) I've never actually been to the John Boos outlet, but I did reap the benefits of a friend's visit. They really are good quality cutting boards. : )
I bought the pyrex 8X8 because it's green, which is my favorite color. I needed something smallish since it's just hubby and I most of the time. I just think it was such an easy recipe and it turned out just like yours did and I was ticked pink I didn't burn it up in the oven! Ha!
Thanks for the info about the wool prices. I had no idea you could get raw wool for that price. I think she said after the wool is sheared then it goes on some kind of a roller something and then is picked clean and then off to cool. Then it is given the tag number from the sheep it was sheared off of. I think then I just get to bag it up and then I have to rove it and clean it myself. I love the washing machine idea. What a wonderful way to not drag the wet wool from the upstairs tub outside to dry.
Lucky you to get such a wonderful cutting board. I have wanted a Boos for years but everytime I get close to getting one, something else comes up and the money gets spent. My female doxie has doggie pink eye right now so there went the Boos money again. Oh well. Tell your friend she did well! I know the quality of the Boos because I have had the pleasure of kneading bread on one once.
Thanks for being so sharing. I have learned so much about sheep and wool and farm life since I started reading your blog and I am ticked that you show the sheep. Maybe someone day my blog will be written from a farm somewhere and I will have pictures of sheep to share.
Ok. With all this monkey bread floating around, I think I'm going to buy some bananas just to let them get soft! And somehow, I feel a little deprived because I'm unfamiliar with the Boos brand. Should I be ashamed?! Hope that you have a blast at your spinning event tonight!
I think I just got a sugar high from looking at that delicious cake. I think I'll have to make that this weekend! I even have some very ripe bananas sitting in my kitchen.
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