Weekend Dog Blogging #25/Weekend Cat Blogging #40
Thanks to Sweetnicks for the Dog Blogging. Want to see more pooches... head off there and take a gander. If dogs are not your thing, then head over to EatStuff to see what feline fuzzies appear there ( scroll down to see my favorite fuzzy girl).
I tried to talk Sadie into sitting pretty. I swear I think her bottom is square. She is the only one of the four doxies that can sit pretty. She had other ideas about how to pose for her photo. Of course that had to be followed with a cookie (Liver Snap).
When the boys heard me telling Sadie that she could have a "cookie" then the herd came a runnin'. It's like stampede!

This Sadie starring at Bailey. That is mommy's chair and Sadie is making sure that Bailey doesn't stay too long. Right after I took this picture Sadie chased off Bailey and laid in the warm spot Bailey left. I was a bit peeved at Sadie, so I chased her off and then sat on the spot she warmed up. Who said life is not just and far??
Vickie - Oh! I am dying here! I love Sadie's interpretation of "sitting pretty." I just know that she and Zoe are of the same mindset when we try to get them to do something. They're probably saying to themselves - "Yeah, just try and make me do it." And, I can only imagine what it's like to have FOUR of those little ones staring up at you (impatiently waiting for a cookie). GREAT pics!
I just love it when she wants to go outside to see if the bunny is in the backyard and sits pretty and whines to get my attention. Just let me have to take a stinking picture...and you can see what happens. There is never a dull moment around here to say the least!
Well, Sadie wants to be a Playboy centerfold, I think!!!!! So funny!
oh my goodness, how many adorable dachsunds do you have? ha! great pictures;)
Even though I am not a doggie lover, I think Sadie is such a sweetie. I also love how she is trying to stare down Bailey.
Lots of love
Boo the cat
You know, this is the first time I've seen anyone outside of my family call it "sitting pretty" - and even odder - with dachshunds, too! Perhaps it's a Virginia Beach thing or maybe it just comes naturally when you've got doxies. We had two black and tan miniatures (Sophie and Lucy). I think of them everytime you have a WDB entry, so thanks for sharing!
Erin, actually I was trying to get Sadie to sit pretty but she laid down that was that. I couldn't get her to sit up if my life depended on it! She really has a mind of her own. This pose is the, "If you are mad at me this will melt your heart away." pose.
omg, dachshunds are the best. After seeing your pics, I now want 2 more. I think Oliver and Harley might disagree with me though.
Prairie Dog pose? Now that is a cute name for having a square bottom. Sadie can sit up for food but when I took that picture she just flat wouldn't do it!
Having 4 doxies is exhausting. I cleaned up two huge puddles today on the livingroom floor right after I let them all out. ugh! I love them but they always get their way and run us humans in circles for sure.
The tail action came with the word, cookie. Then of course I had to come through with them! These guys are all about the FOOD.
dachsunds would eat themselves to death. Mine can be dead asleep and all I have to say is HUNGRY or COOKIE and they are wide awake.
Randi-that is so true about doxies. We have to measure their weight control food. Three of the four are overweight. The vet told us to feed them less and less until they lose weight then maintain that amount of food. So they are down to 1/2 cup of food twice a day. It's hard! They just love to eat! I don't feed them any table food at all. Guess I need to get the leash out and start walking everyone including myself!
Oh, I knew what you were trying to get her to do - the Prairie Dog pose is a great description, too. And the word that would get our girls all worked up was SPILL. They would come running like nobody's business, knowing there was something that had hit the floor. We had to measure their food, too. Such adorable little piggies.
LOLOLOLOL! I love your critters--and your sense of humor (and patience!) : )
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