No Explaination, No Excuses
No Explaination, No Excuses...
I have nothing to say except I have been a slacker. Mostly I want to say that I have not been cooking much and that goes in cycles. I have been taking pictures hoping that my food blog mojo would return. Thanks to something that someone else shared with me, I am hoping that I can blog most frequently.
I have been reading my usual line up of food blogs but to be perfectly honest I am far more interested in my knitting and learning about that than I have been with food and all that entails. I have been smitten with knitting and that has been my focus for a few years. So I have been working on that instead of my food blog. I know, I know, shame on me.
So I have been taking pictures and saving recipes so that if I ever got off my duff and posted, I would have plenty of material. So I have plenty of posts. Now I just have to get them written down and post them.
Thanks to all who have been breezing by only to be disappointed that I have not posted. Hopefully I will be more faithful now.
Stay tuned... I will be blogging here shortly. I promise!
Hey Vickie! Hope you and the gang are all well. Sounds like you are really enjoyin the knitting. Maybe I should take it up, too. Food-blogging, knitting-blogging, playing with the doxies, whatever you are doing, I hope that you continue to enjoy it! =)
The mutts, DH and I are all well. The babies got new crates and we discovered the smaller they are the more comfortable they are. who knew? How are your babies? We have a doxie meet-up this Saturday at 4 and we have missed the last two or three. I think we need to go. Do you belong to a meet-up group out there? I am trying to post more! I have truly have been a slacker!
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